
I had a wonderful opportunity to author an Arduino based book in collaboration with PACKT Publishing. It involved writing a book that guides beginners into the world of microcontrollers, IoT, robotics, home-automation and speech recognition. The book starts off with an LED "Blink" example that is akin to "HelloWorld" in the programming world, and it gradually picks up pace into more complex projects. If you're interested in building a speech controlled quadropod made of ice-cream sticks that can walk and kick a ball, do check it out.

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Project Details

  • Made for: Packt Publishing
  • Date: October, 2015
  • Online: Amazon Link
    • Technical Editor:
    • Mitali Somaiya
      Technical Reviewers:
    • Tim Gorbunov
    • Francis Perea

Project Story

I had the experience working with a wonderful editor and two talented technical reviewers who ensured that I adhered to strict deadlines and high quality requirements while maintaing a good flow through the chapters. The book is around 250 pages in length which I wrote over the course of nine months and three countries. Like many authors, I too wish I had the wisdom I have now, back then to make it an even better book, but I believe I will get a chance to do it again. If you have questions regarding the book, kindly email me at adith.jb@gmail.com.